JK Rear Tire Carrier; The Perfect Compliment to Your Spare Tires
Heading outdoors for a day of off-roading or driving around in your Jeep Wrangler. However, some cars may not have the space in their trunk to fit a whole extra wheel and in this case you can't do much but deal with it! Don't worry, the JK Rear Tire Carrier is going to make your life a lot easier with its new and innovative design!
This new generation of on-the-journey spare tire holding allows for the easy and safe transportation plus practical design feature-no other frame mounted rear Jeep Wrangler JK Tire Carrier is that effective. FOR 2007 TO 2018 JEEP JK MODIFICATIONThis carrier is perfectly designed for your '07 to '18 Jeep and there's no need of drilling or any body changes as it mounts well in the factory mounting holes. It is much easier to get your spare tires because if you have that tire carrier in place, it will convenient and at hand.
Of course, when you examine the JK rear tire carrier a bit more closely its sophistication belies just how much design and safety is packed into this one bolt-on component. Forged with only the best materials, constructed for all weather extremes and Rugged terrain comes UL2272 Certificated & accompanied in any rough knocks. Not only was it built to be extremely durable this tire carrier is also made with high-quality spare tire protection and longevity over the toughest of off road.
JK Rear Tire Carrier, bolt-on straightforward. You can do it yourself with minimal tools and a smidge of elbow grease. The carrier also features an easy-to-follow instruction and a hassle-free mounting solution that only to make your life easier. After that, slapping your spare on the carrier and locking it down with its supplied antidote (resting a small tab against one lug nut) is almost obscene in its simplicity.
At JK Quality Products we allways say that the most important thing is our quality, people and how happy they are to recive Goddys. The JK Rear Tire Carrier includes a one-year manufacturer's warranty so you have nothing to worry about. This provides peace of mind that this product is the workmanship of a trusted and reputable company Should you have any queries with our this product, or assistance regarding installation and tuning on THE MUFFLER POST please feel free to get in touch then we can offer professional service for it.
Stark Industry, ki je bil predstavljen 1. maja 2018, ima štiri znamke, ki predstavljajo štiri avtomobile višjega cenovnega razreda in terenske vožnje. Z več kot 200 izdelki in storitvami začetne zasnove in izdelave je Stark specializiran, ko pogledate rast edinstvene kitajske modifikacije avtomobilov. Na Kitajskem bo izraz Stark neizogibno sinonim za vrhunsko terensko uglaševanje v vseh pogledih, od začetne zasnove do vrhunske izdelave, ki določa najbolj znane zahteve proizvajalca na Kitajskem do trdega tuning podjetja za terensko uporabo.
Stark hrani 1,000 kvadratnih metrov veliko tovarno ogljikovih topnih vlaken in 2,000 kvadratnih metrov veliko kovinsko tovarno ter inštalacijski hodnik. Naši strokovnjaki oblikujejo dodatke za vozila, ki se popolnoma prilegajo vašemu avtomobilu, hkrati pa ohranjajo zunanji videz vrhunskega in seveda oblikovanega. Poleg tega zagotavljajo avtomobilske odbijače skupaj z notranjimi ročaji.
STARK je bil dejansko ustvarjen leta 2018, osredotoča se na raziskave in rast praktičnih notranjih delov ter oblikovanje zunanjih avtomobilov višjega razreda, ki so terenski. Naš fokus je znotraj oblikovanja in razvoja zunanjih in notranjih storitev različnih blagovnih znamk, ki so funkcionalni izdelki. Vsak koncept, vsak koncept, vsak postopek, vse skozi srce, povezano z obrtniškim znanjem. industrijo poprodajnih izdelkov in storitev za terenske avtomobile, ki je dobro znan "industrijski glasbenik".
Stark s 30 razvijalci in oblikovalci ter 100 dobavitelji strankam zagotavlja najboljše in vrhunske izdelke na trgu. Konkurenčna prednost vrhunske kakovosti: verjamem, da najboljši način izbire avtomobilskih delov ni samo njihova uporaba. Fury je znan po strukturni zasnovi in vojaškem slogu, a tudi po praktični zasnovi in slogu opreme.